Get To Know Greta

Hello everyone and welcome! My name is Greta and I am the

creator and owner of Bellatrix Studio.


The story behind Bellatrix Studio

I have always been a creative person who enjoys walks, making origami, reading, and creating… But being a multi-passionate person did not make it easy for me to figure out what exactly I wanted to focus on and generate an income from it.

After quite a long time of thinking of options and looking for my passion to turn it into a business and not getting anywhere, the world changed. 2020 was a turnaround year for many people around the world including me and my husband. We both lost our jobs but finally, after so much work we were able to find some time for ourselves. After a few months, we went back to work, but nothing was the same, I was pregnant. 


I decided to take a break and let time guide me to my purpose, and so I thought in the meantime I could start selling origami created by me. So I went ahead and opened my Etsy shop. I never imagined that people were actually going to start buying them! That was the beginning of everything!

One day I came across a shop who had a laser machine and made all these amazing things and that was the day I knew what I wanted to do!

In November, 2021 I decided to go for it and got myself a Glowforge. Giving that next step was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. It was a very big investment and it was a really big commitment. But thanks to the unconditional support of my family, it was possible for me to get my own laser machine. 

I am grateful for all of you that help support my dream and also for the fact that I get to do what I love, while I am able to be with the people I love the most, my family.

Get To Know Greta

Hello everyone and welcome! My name is Greta and I am the

creator and owner of Bellatrix Studio.


The story behind Bellatrix Studio

I have always been a creative person who enjoys walks, making origami, reading, and creating… But being a multi-passionate person did not make it easy for me to figure out what exactly I wanted to focus on and generate an income from it.

After quite a long time of thinking of options and looking for my passion to turn it into a business and not getting anywhere, the world changed. 2020 was a turnaround year for many people around the world including me and my husband. We both lost our jobs but finally, after so much work we were able to find some time for ourselves. After a few months, we went back to work, but nothing was the same, I was pregnant. 

I decided to take a break and let time guide me to my purpose, and so I thought in the meantime I could start selling origami created by me. So I went ahead and opened my Etsy shop. I never imagined that people were actually going to start buying them! That was the beginning of everything!

One day I came across a shop who had a laser machine and made all these amazing things and that was the day I knew what I wanted to do!

In November, 2021 I decided to go for it and got myself a Glowforge. Giving that next step was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. It was a very big investment and it was a really big commitment. But thanks to the unconditional support of my family, it was possible for me to get my own laser machine. 

I am grateful for all of you that help support my dream and also for the fact that I get to do what I love, while I am able to be with the people I love the most, my family.

Fun Fact About Me

I was born and raised in Bulgaria and moved to Las Vegas to follow my husband and so we could start our family together. We left everything behind. My whole family, my friends, my life. And so I began this new chapter in my life. It was not easy, and it took me years to finally be able to make this country my home. I would have never imagined this would be my life, but I am so grateful for all of it and I wouldn’t change a thing.
